One observation I've made over the years from working with people who are integrating Feng Shui principles, is that Feng Shui does not support you hiding out any longer.  You are required to face the music when it comes to the patterns of how you live,...

Creating a business, both big and small, requires specific steps in order to work toward achieving their goals. The dream needs to be outlined (what are we doing) and a plan generated for making it happen (how are we doing it). However, once a vision has...

When I was working with primarily residential clients, one of the suggestions I would make was to keep your house informed. This was particularly true when someone was making a huge transition or when the house was about to undergo its own transition or remodel....

The incredible beauty of Feng Shui is its versatility----true to its "wind and water" nature, it appears to adapt to any situation. The latest office trend which I've been witness to are standing desks, enabling people to stand and move about while they're working. This...

If you’re having a bad day at work, you can probably pinpoint the issue to deadline stress, performance anxiety, co-worker annoyances or a hundred other reasons. There may be a combination of things that are contributing generously to you having the proverbial bad day. One...

Photographing your home on a regular basis will help you “see” it again and, in turn, maximize your connection with the place you call home.  You will look at your place with a new perspective and will be aware when anything starts to change. By taking pictures of...

Over the years, it's become clear that I'm here as an ambassador for offices, home-based or outside the home.  The definition of an office is a place where work-related activities occur.  This could be a whole room dedicated to being an office or part of...

I’m still in my “flowers in vase” phase of painting.  If I try to move in a different direction just for the sake of variety, the painting rebels.  So I’m going with it.  This process has taught me to listen and pay attention and not...

Excerpts from Carole Hyder’s book "Conversations with Your Home" We all need change from time to time. It keeps us alive and vital. It keeps us engaged and on our toes. This is true for us as well as our homes. It isn’t just about cleaning...

Gratitude journals are a great way to remember all the things for which we are thankful. It’s easy to forget so it’s important to write them down.  It fills our hearts to see how blessed we are as we read through the list of events, people and objects...

Being a partner with anyone takes conscious effort even when you don’t feel like it.  This statement is no different with regard to your home.  Having a relationship with your home can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can have.  The unfortunate part...

Whenever I ask an audience “How many of you love your home?”, a few people enthusiastically raise their hands. If I ask the opposite question, many people sadly admit that they either don’t like their home at all or there are certain parts that they...