Someone contacted me with a question about building a floating home and asked whether this was “good” Feng Shui or not, since fast-moving water would be flowing around the house at all times. Before answering, I might add this same question would apply to those who live on...

The bedroom is the most influential room in the house in Feng Shui terms. It can impact your health, your energy level, your outlook on life. So it's critcally important to surround yourself with items that support you in a positive way.  What you hang on...

From time to time during the course of a Feng Shui appointment, I have to address a specific question regarding the placement of a particular item. The controversy comes in when there is a couple who is divided about where to place it. Because there...

Feng Shui business does have a cyclic pattern to it---very busy in the fall, the first of the year, and spring. Over the holidays, everyone’s schedule gets busy and money may be more of an issue. I get fewer calls during the summer as well...

If it hasn’t happened already, school will be out soon. For some parents this means kids hanging around the house all day, kids getting bored, kids needing to be entertained, chauffeured, and accommodated. Rather than let this be a time of turmoil and anxiety, this...

The other night I woke up to some strange noises. They weren't all that loud, but loud enough that they disturbed my sleep. At first I figured my cats were playing around, but I soon discovered they were all sleeping soundly in various...