A Second Look at Second Floors:Feng Shui Upstairs

In my own training and the training that I give my students, the principle “tool” is a mental map called a bagua.  This bagua is superimposed over a space based on the position of the front door and from which can be determined the nine life areas (Career, Knowledge, Family, Wealth, Fame, Partnerships, Children & Creativity, Helpful People, and Health). By determining where an issue is specifically represented on the main floor of the space, a person can gain insight about what kind of changes can or should be made for an optimal outcome.  This past week someone asked how the bagua should be placed on an upper floor.  This question implies some other questions:  Is there a front door upstairs and where is it?  Or is the bagua the same from one floor to the next?

Here’s the quickest answer: the orientation of the bagua on the main floor takes precedence over second floors or over basements.  The main floor is called that because it is the “main” indicator of how someone’s life is unfolding.  All other floors are secondary.  A lot of times things get complicated upstairs requiring lengthy consideration and possibly some guesswork.  Often the upstairs isn’t the same configuration as the main level.

Rather than spend a lot of time on a secondary floor, taking effort and focus away from the primary space of the house, I often don’t even consider how the bagua positions itself upstairs.  Instead I will look at the individual rooms that comprise that floor and superimpose the bagua on their separate bedrooms.  This then enables me to focus my attention on the main story of their lives and the main story of their home.