A Feng Shui Lifestyle: A Partner for Life

Joyce and I worked together several years ago to help her make Feng Shui adjustments concerning her lack of a relationship.  Joyce had been doing all the right mundane things with no success:  on-line dating services, blind dates arranged by friends, socializing through her church, joining networking groups.  She was willing to look at the possibility that her space may be undercutting her efforts.  

Joyce was a quick study:  an introduction to the concept of how the energy of a space can be changed to create a corresponding change in her life and she was off and running.  Not only did she clear out some minor clutter in her Partnership area, but she also hung two pictures of love birds in that area to emphasize a happy couple.   What I didn’t know until later is how she “took on” the partnership issue in so many other ways.

Joyce was a professional businesswoman with numerous commitments involving her work and her interests.  She realized that if she had a partner, she would not be able to devote adequate time to nurturing a long-term relationship.  So, she resigned from a board position she held with one corporation; she relinquished a responsibility she had from her job which required evening commitments; and she withdrew her name as a candidate for heading up a membership drive with her church.  By freeing up her time, Joyce was living as though a relationship was imminent; she was living “as if” she already had one.

Additionally, she looked at everything she owned with new eyes, assessing whether it was appropriate to share with someone new or if it was reflective of her single life.  By doing this, she ended up replacing some artwork, unloading some old photographs, and getting rid of clothes she didn’t want anyone to see her in — particularly a new partner!  Joyce took on a lifestyle that she would have if she had a partner.  In a matter of months, she did indeed attract someone into her life — it was easy, refreshing, and most of all, she didn’t have to scramble to make time for him.  She had set the stage for his arrival because she had begun “living” her intention. It was no longer just about the two pictures of love birds — Joyce had adopted a Feng Shui lifestyle.