3 Ways Feng Shui Can Help You Find Your Creativity

Integrating Feng Shui principles into your space can spark all kinds of changes—–some that are planned and some that are surprises.  When you’re purposeful, however, you can guide your home to help you make a change around any circumstance.  This can cover relationship (wanting one or wanting out of one or wanting a change in the existing relationship), health, money, getting a new job or starting a new business, children issues, etc.  Your space is more than happy to help you create the life that you want.

This also means that, if you’re looking for more creativity through a particular medium or are still trying to figure your particular direction, your home can help you.  The importance of tapping into a flow of energy that is inventive and inspired without the burden of trying to make it into a job can’t be emphasized enough.  Whether you call it a hobby, an outlet, a pastime, it doesn’t matter.  It’s the way your heart can express itself without having to engage your head.

Here are 3 ways your home can help you tap into your brilliant creativity…

  1. Clear out:  The more old, stagnant, forgotten items you have around your place, the less creative you could be.  Granted, I have seen people who, despite all their stuff, are brilliantly productive, but that’s the exception.  Be mindful to make decisions about your things and clear them out.
  2. Re-arrange something (furniture, artwork): What this does is change the way you think about your space.  You look at your things differently; your brain registers the new patterns in your home and will correspondingly set up new patterns in other ways.
    Perhaps your unused dining room becomes a music room.  Or an awkward desk arrangement is moved to a spare bedroom.  Or you make better use of your lower level to accommodate some of your activities.  Start doing some of your activities in different places to shake things up.
  3. Get back to nature:  What I do when I’m in a creative slump is go buy flowers.  If our garden is prolific, I’ll pick flowers from there.  Sometimes I’ll have enough flowers to fill 3-4 vases.  I surround myself with a reminder of my connection to nature—plus flowers are beautiful—-plus they usually smell nice—-plus I get inspired just looking at them.

You can certainly pick one or two of these items to support your creative spirit.  It is not necessary to do all of them.  The point is that the action that you’re taking is specifically targeted toward your creativity.  In every case, your space is being creatively used in a new way, reflecting to you the message that you can do the same thing.  In fact, your creativity won’t leave you alone until you act on it.

Embrace this lifestyle of creativity and you will surely see new ways to let your heart sing (or dance, or paint, or sculpt, or weave, or any other way you want to express that inspired side of you).